An African saying goes “It calls for the whole Village to raise a Child” Indeed an African is a product of not only biological family but also the entire community. In one way or the other, an African person is because of this community support. The strength of an African is the strength of the community to some just like the weakness of an individual African is the weakness of the community too.

It is from this platform that helping a student and MIRACLE Technical Institute is empowering them to become productive citizenry, community and country as a whole. Join us by donating a writing pen, exercise book, computer, cooker, plain, or any other training materials in the following course; tailoring, carpentry, electrical, catering, ICT, Community Development, Business Administration, Accounts, Human Resource Management.

“I am because you are and because you are I am”. Training a Student at MIRACLE Technical Institute means;

2 USD per day

16 USD per week

69 USD per month

206 USD per term

420 USD per Semester

616 USD per Annum

“In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'” Acts 20:35